Why are people magically drawn to Baba and then get drawn to Him like iron filings to a powerful magnet?

With humble love and reverence to Shirdi Baba, this website is dedicated to cataloging the simple sweet experiences of devotees drawn to Him - how Baba came into their life and how their devotion kept deepening.

Baba has been my dear friend ever since I was in middle school. Over time, on various occasions, I kept feeling pulled towards Him, holding on to a deep faith and devotion.  My devotional love towards Baba has increased exponentially and He has been a pillar of support through all sorts of turbulence in my life. 

When I observed the deep devotion of His devotees at the Milpitas (California, USA) Shirdi Sai Parivaar temple, I became intensely curious about how they got drawn to Baba and their sincere devotion towards Him.  Over the past 15 years, I have witnessed how Baba has spread like fire, becoming part of so many lives and homes around the world. I see His photo everywhere in India - homes, retail stores, and even in autos and taxis during my trips to India!  My curiosity increased as I listened to other people share their stories of Faith. 

One day my friend Renu shared her story about Baba and it moved me intensely.  Immediately I declared to her that I was going to start writing a book to document and share people's experiences with Baba!  This was the beginning, the planting of the seed of this project. But life took over, and I didn't make much progress. Finally, in 2018, I decided I would at least start with a website to mark my contribution towards the Centenary year of Baba’s Samadhi.  

I prayed to Baba and asked Him to bless this project and help me.  He has shown me many times how to serve Him. While I was doing Seva in Dwarakamai at the Milpitas baba temple, He helped me speed up the process when I met Rashmi P. Suddenly everything started to fall in place. Through her I met other devotees like Pavani who helped me. It was as if a chain formed, directed by Him, and slowly but surely everything came together! Baba’s hand at work! He became the common connection, helping convert my idea into actuality.    

With Baba's Grace our initial blog was published on his 100th year anniversary of His Samadhi, Oct 15th 2018. 

“Baba, Thank you for your Grace which has helped me experience something I did not plan consciously.  You made my trip to Chennai happen, along with my son, Nickesh, during this special Centennial celebration week! I had the honor to have Your Darshan at  the very same venue where my journey began! This means a LOT to me. Thank you Baba!” 

Please click the Experiences tab on the top right of this page to read the stories we have started collecting. Please feel free to share your experiences too via this email id ashavis@gmail.com

Sai Ram!

Asha Vis


Devotees’ Experiences

Devotees have been excited to share their unique stories of how Baba came into their lives and how He graciously kept attracting them towards Him. With special personal experiences, their devotion and faith strengthened and the devotees flew towards Him like iron filings towards a strong magnet.