Baba was there with us during my baby’s delivery

Sai Baba is Magical both in Name and Form. He attracts everyone and helps them walk along the path of self-realization. I feel blessed that I am attracted to Baba in this lifetime. 

I am not exactly sure when I was first attracted to Baba, but I have been a devotee from childhood. He blessed me with great parents and a good family. I married a woman who is also Baba’s devotee which fulfills both our lives.

My wife was pregnant with our child and when her labor began, we went to the hospital but they did not admit her right away. She was in labor for 5 days. When the hospital finally admitted her, we took a Baba photo along with us and put it in the room where she could see it. I was holding her hand all along and we chanted Baba’s name together. His bhajans were also playing in the background. As her labor progressed the nurses seemed concerned about the position of the child and this caused us to be anxious. We kept up the chanting. And at this point is when our miracle occurred. 

My wife saw his name, ‘SAI’, appear on the ceiling right above her even through her haze of pain. She pointed it out to me and we were both sure that everything would turn out alright. We continued our chanting and within no time my son was born, healthy, without any problems! Praise be to  Baba!


Baba got us our house (Rashmi Panigraha)


My journey from Visa rejection to daily kakad arti (Chaddha)