Baba found my slippers and ignited my faith (Pavani Reddy)

I grew up seeing Baba’s photo in our Pooja room.  Our entire family is very devoted to both Shirdi and Sathya Sai Baba.  When I was in 7th grade I was in my aunt’s house in our village and I had misplaced my slippers.  We were supposed to leave next day to a wedding. I was extremely worried about it because I would not be able to find a replacement in that small village.  I was worried that my aunt won’t take me to the wedding.   By the way, this aunt was the one who originally got Baba's photo for my mom from Shirdi. So my mom and her sister have identical photos of Baba in their pooja rooms. 

So I ran into my aunt’s Pooja room and looked at Baba and started crying while asking him to find my slippers.  Baba sent a subtle message asking me to go check for slippers in a particular place and I found it there even though I remembered distinctly that I had checked that location while searching.  Totally a miracle with Baba’s grace shown towards a 7th grader to help her believe in Him and develop strong faith.  I feel so blessed.  I always felt he was looking at me from his photo and even talking to me.  Yes, talking to me and even smiling at me. One time I asked my aunt and mom if Baba was smiling and they didn’t see any change in expression.  I know I saw it and I wasn’t going to try to convince others. I felt very happy and comfortable that He is listening to me and smiling and even angry with me at times.  It is my blind faith in Him and thus my love for Him kept deepening each time I went to pray or talk to Him. I believed in Him so much that I wouldn’t even study for exams. 

Even now, I go and see the photo in India and I love to talk to Him.  I started reading Sat Charitra even during Masters degree program before marriage and have continued to read for the past 20 years.  He is always there for me.   Without his grace, I won’t be here in California in my present job today.  I went to the best college and never expected that.  

I grew up with many relatives who were strong devotees of Baba.  Mom believed in Baba so much.  My Grandma would see Baba in everyone.  She wouldn’t say no to anybody asking for anything.

 I went to the temple at Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, California every Thursday.  One time after arti I heard a dhun (mantra) for the first time and I liked it a lot.  "Om Namoo Sri SaiNaath, ….Om Namoo Bhagavathe Sai Naath…" and my heart felt a lot of peace.  At that moment I decided that I will listen to this mantra when I'm in labor during delivery, and feel the presence of Baba next to me. I tried to get the CD of this mantra, but there were no copies available at the temple. I spoke to one of the volunteers about my wish and asked if I could get a copy of the CD. He was kind enough to lend me his personal copy but I realized that the Sai mantra in that CD was different from what I was looking for.   I felt a little sad that I wasn't able to get the specific mantra I was looking for, but was thankful that Baba had given me the CD.

My delivery  due date was on June 17th, but my doctor said that I would deliver a bit earlier. On Saturday June 7th, I had an urge to go to the temple, but I was feeling very tired to step out. But somehow I managed to go to the temple thinking that this might be the last time I'd go to the temple before my delivery. I went there with my husband and mom. After the arti I met my other friend who was also searching for that mantra for me. He said he'll make sure to get it by the next day. I was feeling happy and left the temple.

On that same night I was woken up at 3:00 am due to some pains. I woke my husband up at 4:00 am and he called the doctor. The doctor asked us to come to the hospital immediately. We reached the hospital at 5:30 am and I was admitted into labor and delivery, and the intensity of my pains increased. I was listening to the other Sai mantra from the CD that the volunteer at the temple gave me, but within myself I still felt like listening to the other mantra I was looking for. 

At around noon, while I was still in the labor room,  I got a call from this friend.  That day we received many calls while i was in labor and could not answer most of them. But, the timing of his call was so precise that my husband was able to take the call. He played that mantra on the phone, but that was the same tune that I was already listening to. Then once again I told him the wording of the tune that I was looking for and he said he'll look for it and get back to me. My pains kept increasing and my husband kept looking for an email from him.  At around 5:00 pm we received the email, and my joy knew no bounds when I heard the exact mantra. We played that mantra throughout my labor and even the nurses liked that tune.

After going through labor for 14 hrs I delivered my baby boy. I strongly desired to deliver my son naturally, and the nurses and doctors were very surprised at my strong intention. When I look back and think about the delivery process that I went through, I cannot imagine how I even got through it. It's only with Baba's will and grace that I was able to stay strong and deliver my son naturally.

I'm very thankful to my two friends for helping me fulfill my wish to listen to that special Baba's mantra during my delivery. Unbelievable how it all fell in place at the right time. This is an experience that will be with me forever. I always wanted to experience Baba’s presence and leelas similar to the experience of Nanasaheb’s daughter receiving Udi during her delivery.

I want to thank Baba again and again for all the love, support and blessings he has given my family and myself.

As a daily habit, I apply vibhuti (udhi) at night.  Vibhuti comes from Shirdi.  For any pain, even now I use Shirdi Vibhuti. 

Om Sai Ram.


Evolving into Babaful-ness (Jayashree Kini)


Unplanned trips just magically  happen when He calls us (Prabha Narasimhan)