Deep connection to Baba reading Amar Chitra Katha (Asha Vis)

Shirdi Baba was introduced to me by my dear mother when I was around 12 years old.  My mother was seeking a different place of worship other than temples, and her Christian aunt told her about the Sai baba temple in Mylapore, Chennai (Madras in those days). She spoke of it as a quiet place, where devotees from all religions were welcomed.  My mother immediately decided to visit the temple and thus, our journey towards Baba began.  His energy and force kept pulling us to visit the temple once a week on Thursdays. I started writing the Sai Ram japa to make paper garlands for the Hundi (donation box). 

Our routine at the Sai temple included visiting the room at the  back dedicated to Narasimha Swamiji, a householder ( later became a Swamiji) who established the temple.  Little did I know that later in my life, I would experience various connections to Narasimha Swamiji whose purpose in life was to spread Baba’s messages especially through his writings. On the back wall of the Baba’s main shrine, there is a large 3D photo of Baba sitting with devotees under a tree,  holding a Vishnu Sahasranamam book against His heart while blessing a devotee beset with heart problems. I was moved by this scene and began to pray for other people’s health by touching Baba’s feet  in that picture. Since then, I have been wanting to chant Vishnu Sahasranamam in the same tune as M.S. and Baba fulfilled this wish only in my 50’s.

Dwarakamai was a place of immense magnetic energy for me.  Even as a young girl, once I knelt to put my forehead on His Paduka, closed my eyes and felt like I was glued to the Paduka unable to rise up again. So much love and bliss poured forth into me while seeking His blessings. I had to be reminded that there was a long line behind me wanting to move along!  My mother and I stood near the wall inscribed with the Sai Namavalli  (108 names of Baba), and I remember standing by her side while she chanted the names silently. This scene has been a part of my formative years of devotion towards Baba, countless times over. 

Many years later, I was in Chennai, visiting the same temple with my father. At this very spot with the wall inscription of Namavalli, an interesting event transpired when I was waiting there by myself.  An old lady, draped in a plain brown old cotton saree worn in the south Indian nine yards style, her shaved head covered by the saree, approached me. She asked me to step aside and said she wanted to talk to me.  I was shaken at her appearance and manner,  and quickly walked away to usher my father out of the temple.  All this time has gone by, but my recollection of that event and the emotions they evoked in me are crystal clear! Over the years, I have realized and strongly believe that Baba came in her form but I failed to recognize Him. I have since understood that many people have had similar experiences of Baba assuming various forms. My gut feeling about this visitation has solidified over time and I am grateful for the opportunity He bestowed upon me. 

Visiting the Baba temple in Chennai was a major attraction for me every time I visited India.  Often I would rush to see Baba one more time before my flight back to USA. One time my older son when he was 9 years old, sang Sai Naam Jap throughout the car ride back to my dad’s home from the temple.  I was always in a state of bliss after seeing my "old man" which is how I often  refer to him! 

Radhakrishna Swamiji at the Chennai temple developed a strong liking towards my father. We often chatted with him on our visits to the temple. He gifted my dad a large detailed, hand painted image of Balaji (Tirupathi Venkateswara), which was promptly installed in my father’s new home and Swamiji came to our home and chanted Vishnu Sahasranamam.  My father’s  connection to Baba deepened through Radhakrishna Swamiji and the gift of the painting. Thus Baba found numerous ways to bring our family towards Him.  

Friends and relatives have always gifted me with various trinkets, photos and figurines of Shirdi Baba as they are aware of my fondness for Baba. I look upon Baba as a friend, often talking to Him and asking Him for guidance in life’s decisions etc. But I never have asked him for things like wealth, materialistic things etc. Mainly my prayers have been for the health on behalf of my family members, my friends and myself.  Baba has always provided His blessings, with miraculous cures, or with an alleviation or mitigation of their problems. Often times,  He has helped them face their challenges with mental strength, helping create positive results in other aspects of their lives.  I have understood that it is always better to let Baba decide what is best for us, instead of asking for specific outcome or desires.  He knows the big picture. He knows the best way to help us lessen our karmic baggage.  To achieve Moksha (liberation) and enlightenment, one has to  burn their karmas and desires during this lifetime, in order to relieve ourselves from the cycle of birth and death.  This is common knowledge and belief for those who practice Hinduism.  Baba is always reminding us to surrender everything at His feet. 


For many years I had a strong iccha (desire) to visit Shirdi. I wanted to see the rock that Baba sat upon, the Neem tree under which he meditated, the Dhuni area with the railings along the verandah  where he sat for hours. My desire to visit Shirdi eclipsed any inclination for fancy vacations or visiting Europe etc. I had moved to the US in 1981. My trips to India were very short, and I had no friend or relative who lived in the vicinity of Shirdi.  When my brother was transferred to Bombay, he kept inviting me to visit him with a promise that he would take me to Shirdi.  So finally in 1997 my older son and I went to Bombay.  The day before we left for Shirdi, my son fell ill with a high fever and we were all anxious about traveling to Shirdi by car.  Very calmly and confidently, I remarked, “Baba will take care of us and all will be fine tomorrow when we wake up”. Sure enough,  my son’s fever abated and he seemed fit to travel the next morning. Then the driver we hired did not show up. We waited for an hour or more, and still he was a no show. I told Baba that He was placing challenges and hurdles in my path, to test my true faith (shraddha) in Him.  Suddenly, my brother offered to drive even though he was not comfortable driving long distances.  Surprisingly, my father agreed to this and we set out on our journey.  We had good darshans and managed to stay inside for the Dhoop arati as well.  When I gave a green shawl to the priest he draped it beautifully on the tomb and gave it to me.  I preserve this treasure carefully.  

Later that night, I had a very strong urge to simply go and look upon Baba.  So my father and I went to the temple.  We sat on a platform which was there those days and watched Baba from a distance for a long time.  There was such peace in gazing upon Him! I will never forget the magical feeling of my first visit to Shirdi! 

Interestingly, I had never read the Sai Satcharita in its entirety in all these years,  until quite recently. Other devotees who knew how fond I was of Baba could not believe this fact! It has been very timely to motivate me to get Baba’s grace and blessings to help me write a blog and then a book about devotees’ experiences. I had only read a few chapters at random during the parayans at Milpitas SSP temple. I see the paintings depicting His life, lining the walls of the temples. And I have read the Amar Chitra Katha book about Him! I feel I know Baba just from these experiences.  Once I read the Sat Charitra book, I realized why Baba is such a strong magnet. 

Baba has become my close friend with whom I share all my troubles and happy moments.  I always have silent conversations with Him. Whether it is to share something profound or as mundane as asking for help in misplaced keys, His presence in my life is constant.  

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.


Unplanned trips just magically  happen when He calls us (Prabha Narasimhan)


Offering udhi to heal (Laxmi)