Offering udhi to heal (Laxmi)

By Sai’s Grace, I am attempting to write about how Sai Maa came into my life...

My parents were devotees of Shri Sathya Sai Baba and would always go for his darshan. Our neighbors would invite us for Ganesh Puja and my family would offer flowers and kumkum to Ganapati Bappa but would not offer anything to Sai. This continued for a long time. 

We visited Shirdi one summer when I was about 10 years old. For the duration of our stay there, we attended all four Aratis. There was no water heater in our hotel, but we would wake up early to be the first in line to enter the temple. At that time devotees who entered the temple early were allowed to help with Baba’s Abhishekam (ritual bathing). I don’t know how to explain it but I remember feeling like His eyes followed me when I stood before Him. I did not want to return to our hotel! 

This visit was the turning point for me.  I started believing more in Shirdi Sai Baba while the rest of my family continued believing in Sathya Sai Baba. We would still go to Sathya Sai Baba’s Darshan, but I would see Shirdi Sai’s face during the Arati. Whenever I needed any help I would invoke His name. The running joke in my family was that Sai had no devotees other than me! Sai has always been present in my life to help me overcome any obstacles and eradicate my doubts. 

I was attending the VVGC temple, where I often met Renu. She always encouraged me to come to the Arati, but somehow it never quite worked out. When my husband had his accident, she managed to send udi/vibhooti from Shirdi Sai through friends. I placed this vibhooti by my husband’s side until he recovered. And when he came home from the hospital, I started attending the Milpitas temple regularly.

When my daughter had a severe asthma attack, I offered Baba a pipe - also at Renu’s suggestion - and her lungs cleared up days later. Through such wonderful friends and fellow disciples, I started getting more involved in the Arati. I would buy fabric for His robes and make His garlands. Every time I have contributed to Sai’s adornments, they go perfectly together - one of Sai’s small but wondrous miracles.

Sai Ram!


Deep connection to Baba reading Amar Chitra Katha (Asha Vis)


Baba’s leelas while I was producing a play (Mona Vijaykar)