My Guru, My Sakhya (Niru)

As I enter the Milpitas temple, my heart starts to quicken because I feel the strength of His presence drawing me in. The same question fills my mind each time I visit - how will Baba look at me today? What a strange question you may ask. 

Every time I see Baba, His eyes take on a slightly different expression. Sometimes, I feel that his eyes look sad, commiserating with me. At other times, it seems as if He is smiling at me; even laughing at the way my mind struggles to coalesce around His effulgence, and the totality of his Being.  A handful of times, He even looks grim, like He is contemplating His devotees’ troubles and difficulties. 

Yesterday, I walked into the temple with prasadam and planned to stay there only for 15 to 20 minutes. When I sat down to gaze upon Him, I felt His eyes were just a little different. For the first time ever, I felt He was looking at me as a friend. His eyes were smiling, warm and friendly, and full of Love. There was a thrilling psychic connection that I felt in that instant!  I could not move, literally and figuratively. I simply sat on the ground before him, and gazed at Him for more than an hour. The look of friendliness did not change. My true Sakhya - no hierarchy of place and status, no reaching above to hold Him within my grasp. 

The image that I hold in my heart is a simple one - Baba is sitting - I am kneeling in front of Him, placing my head on His right foot that is crossed over the left knee. My palms cup His foot holding on tight. And, suddenly, I feel His warm palms on my head pressing down, blessing me! 

Every devotee’s cherished dream! If fulfilled, it is sure to release me from the cycle of birth and death.


Surrendered. He directs my path (Nimai)


The Flavors of Faith (Pavani K)